As part of the Institute for Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology, we see our task as researching the central challenges of spatial and urban planning as well as housing construction from a legal perspective and in interdisciplinary cooperation - especially in exchange with the other research areas of the institute to offer teaching based on it.
The spatially relevant legal areas that are the focus of our research and teaching include, in addition to spatial planning law itself, in particular:
- construction and investment law,
- environmental law (SEA and EIA law, nature conservation, forest and water law),
- infrastructure law (energy, traffic, water and wastewater law),
- services of general interest and legal structures of the social market economy (social housing), as well as
- Legal issues of digitization and regulation of new technologies (especially in the area of smart cities).
In addition to these areas, the staff of the FOB Law also deal selectively with other research focal points of the Vienna University of Technology, such as "information and communication technology" in particular.
Research Unit Head & Professorship

Dean of Studies Spatial Planning
E280-08 Land Policy and Land Management