Land Policy and Land Management
University studies and research in the Centre of Land Policy and Land Management (Land) focus on the fields of land policy, land management and land planning laws. Pre-eminent here are the political and specialist decision-making logics, processes and actions in the context of land usage. Focuses of content are related in general to the charged field between the polarities of public interests (“common good”) and private concerns (basic right of property) in issues of land and usage.
Land usage and planning instruments, processes and measures are treated on all decision-making levels in spatial planning at the interface between formal/statutory and informal – legally non-binding – controlling approaches. Before the background of increasing diversity of interests, instruments and processes, it is imperative to spotlight the controlling options – and limits – of the respective instruments and processes; this will then trigger the impetus towards improvements – particularly also of an interdisciplinary nature.
Studies in the Centre cover the concrete analysis of:
- Land availability and building land mobilisation
- Space-saving and urban sprawl prevention
- Contributions of spatial planning and land planning to affordable housing
- Planning treatment of industrial estates and shopping centres
- Planning procedures, participation and legal rights.
This nucleus of studies is supplemented by current challenges, for instance in the management of natural hazards, energy planning and Alpine planning; here the Centre joins forces with interdisciplinary research partnerships in coordinating responsibility for land planning policies and laws.
Besides the special relevance of practical application in the field of teaching, the Centre sets great store by research-based studies. Supplementing the teaching of basic knowledge in the Bachelor degree courses, regular Master degree projects are organised, as well as international excursions to the above-named research focal points.
Research Unit Head & Professorship

Dean of Studies Spatial Planning
E280-08 Land Policy and Land Management