Local Planning
The goal of the Centre of Local Planning (IFOER) is to comprehend and combine practice, studies and research as a unity. To achieve this, the centre addresses questions of urban and urban-district development, likewise how concepts for urban site development and their legal implementation can materialise in building plans. This means tackling inter-communal planning issues, including the functional and spatial integration into the larger environment. As a whole, the centre addresses the real, lived-in world of the environment, its inherent future perspectives, and the demands made on the instruments, processes and strategies of its future formation in the focus of research and knowledge transfer in the discipline of Local Planning.
The current action-oriented focuses of research relate to:
- the development and qualification of the methods and instruments, processes and strategies in regional and urban development and their rationale in the theory of planning;
- the design and control of spatial transformation processes in the urban context, likewise in rural and village contexts;
- the elaboration and evaluation of strategies and approaches to action in an energy- and resource-efficient regional development;
- the development and qualification of urban design modules and thus associated implementation and quality assurance strategies;
- the support of decision-making processes by means of spatially related simulation and multimedia methods of communication and visualisation.
These key aspects are accompanied in the study course by coordinating projects, by setting up knowledge platforms, working on publications and supervising of diploma theses and dissertations.
Head of Research Unit

E280-04 Spatial Simulation and Modelling

Dean Office of Faculty for Architecture and Planning
E280-04 Local Planning