Habilitation Procedure

A habilitation is the highest-ranking university examination with which, as part of an academic examination procedure, the ability to teach (venia docendi) in a scientific or artistic subject is determined (e.g. in Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The habilitation is associated with the right to freely practice scientific or artistic teaching at the university that has granted the license to teach, depending on its availability, and to supervise and evaluate scientific work.

The habilitation procedure is generally regulated in the UG 2002 and specifically in the statutes of the TU Wien. As an orientation, the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning has also developed a guide to the habilitation process, which offers an early orientation when it comes to planning the qualification step of the habilitation. This explains the necessary process steps as well as the minimum requirements that must be met when submitting a habilitation thesis.

To coordinate the process steps and to clarify the minimum requirements, it is strongly recommended that you contact the dean early on.

The contact person for habilitation matters at the Dean's Office is Georg Penthor.

Faculty Colloquium

A central component of the application process for a habilitation project is participation in the faculty colloquium, which ideally should take place 1 year before the intended submission. The aim of the colloquium is to obtain qualified statements on the requested Venia and on the structure of the habilitation thesis. The faculty offers colloquia twice a year - the upcoming dates for  2025:

  • 29th of April 2025
  • 21st of October 2025

Explanations of the course of the colloquium and the basic structure of the lecture can be found in the guidelines for habilitation projects.

Contact person for habilitation matters at the Dean's Office:

Georg Penthor

Contact: TISS
Office hours: only by prior appointment via email
Dean's office of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning
Mail: georg.penthor@tuwien.ac.at
Tel.: +43 (1) 58801 25005


Ongoing habilitation procedures

Completed habilitation procedures

The list of habilitation procedures that have been successfully completed so far is listed under Venia Docendi.

Discontinued Habilitation Procedure

Area of Expertise„Stadtsoziologie“ („urban sociology“)
Constituent Session

June 6th, 2023

ChairmanUniv.Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Michael GETZNER
SecretaryAo.Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Alexander HAMEDINGER

The procedure has been stopped.