About the Faculty
The Faculty of Architecture and Planning
The Faculty of Architecture and Planning: two fundamental academic subjects under the umbrella of one faculty, which takes different perspectives and differentiated key focuses to deal with the questions and challenges of the development and design of our environment. It’s a structure that distinguishes us from many other architectural or planning faculties and, in view of the resulting areas of intersection, yields an international and genuinely outstanding profile.
With currently 7,400 enrolled students (respectively 4,400 involved in examinations) and around 250 staff in the scientific branch alone, the Faculty of Architecture and Planning is the largest of eight faculties at the Technische Universität Wien and one of the largest architecture and planning faculties in Europe. Alone in the past academic year, 990 candidates enrolled for the Bachelor Degree of Architecture, and around 250 for that of Planning.
The Faculty is structured into five institutes and the Department of Planning, which itself is subdivided into a total of 28 research-oriented and thematically focused departments and subjects. Interdisciplinary services are rendered by the Computer Laboratory of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning. In addition there is the future.lab, designed to support the researching, teaching and studying members in their work on experimental, specialist and interdisciplinary topics relating to the future of architecture, the urban environment, and society. Other notable elements on the curriculum are the interdisciplinary subjects Urban Culture and the Public Space, Urban Studies and the Spatial Simulation and Modelling, in which diverse activities relating to research-based and interdisciplinary studies find their referential environment. The following chart provides an overview of the differentiated Faculty structure.
Profile of studies
As one of the most renowned study, research and teaching institutes in the Central European region, we fulfil our task of providing an education that is based on research and oriented on practice. Our students are groomed to take on responsible posts in industry and society and also in research and studies within the framework of two Bachelor, three Master and two PhD degree courses. Besides the Bachelor and Master degree courses in Architecture and Planning, we also have on the curriculum the English-language Master degree course “Building Science and Technology”. While the Bachelor degree courses are designed to teach proficiencies in architecture and also planning, the Master courses offer numerous opportunities for in-depth studies that prepare for the various professions and career options.
Strong key focuses of research
The Faculty of Architecture and Planning has strongly positioned itself in international research. Rooted in the broad-based disciplinary structure of the Faculty, the range of research is accordingly also highly diversified. Declared key focuses can be found in the smart city context and also in tackling the challenges presented by energy efficiency and the use of renewable resources. In the research focus “Urban Transformation Processes and Governance” the main issues concern the control and design of complex development processes and projects. Further declared focuses of research are on the use and effects of digital technologies on the urban environment, architecture and society, the development and exploitation of architecture and the art of building, also on tackling the complex aspects of the social, cultural and political dimension of the built environment.
International networking
The Faculty of Architecture and Planning is optimally networked on the international scene. Intensive partnerships exist with universities in Japan and China, in Indonesia, in the Ukraine and universities in Central and South America. On the basis of our specific geographic location, we highly value the knowledge-sharing and exchange with universities and colleges in Eastern Europe.
Networking of architecture and planning
With the focus on future challenges, the link-up of planning, urban design and architecture assumes a key function for the profile of our Faculty. We are working to intensify networking and cooperation: in both the courses of study and in research. Starting off with the establishment of the interdisciplinary teaching and research platform, the future.lab, the study plan goes on to include the interdisciplinary dissertation and thesis lecture course, and culminates in the interdisciplinary ArchDiploma, whereby, on a biennial basis, outstanding final theses from both subjects are each exhibited and made the subject of discussion. The ArchDiploma has long been established as a crucial calling card and touchstone of quality in the research-based studies in our Faculty.
The further development of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning is based on the solid foundation of an ongoing and established tradition. It would be foolish to rest on our laurels. We are caught up in constant change. As scientists we are driven by curiosity. The search for new questions and their answers is a determining factor within our profession. It challenges us to think radically and without prejudice. New challenges in the prevailing technological and political circumstances force us to constantly modify our orientation and work methods and require the specific cooperation and alliances involved in inter- and transdisciplinary research and studies. Here we are working energetically on the continuing development and improvement of the climate and conditions fostering an open and interdisciplinary approach to research and studies.