FAQs on the diploma thesis and diploma examination


Thomas Baitar: thomas.baitar@rpl-arch.tuwien.ac.at
Vize Dean of Studies Alireza Fadai:  alireza.fadai@tuwien.ac.at

In principle, from enrolment on the Master's degree programme. In any case, it makes sense to start thinking about your thesis halfway through the Master's programme.

A diploma thesis corresponds to 30 ECTS points and thus the workload of one semester. However, a thesis can also extend over several semesters, depending on how intensively you focus your time resources on it.

Subject to the provisions of the curriculum, students are entitled to propose a topic themselves or to apply for an advertised thesis topic: Advertised diploma theses (https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/thesis/theses.xhtml?dswid=7517&dsrid=384) > advanced search > Faculty of Architecture and Planning

Students are entitled to choose their own supervisors. Diploma theses can be supervised by all O. Profs., Ao. Profs., Ass. Profs. and Senior Scientists of the faculty who are on the Übersicht ProfessorInnen und DozentInnen_NEU (pdf) .

In exceptional cases, an assistant with a doctorate can also supervise a diploma thesis by sending an email request to the Vice Dean of Studies.

Once you have defined your thesis topic, contact possible supervisors from the relevant departments (see list of thesis supervisors above). Make sure that you include a synopsis of the possible content of your thesis with your application. For draft theses, it may be helpful to attach the portfolio. Briefly explain why you would like to attract the respective supervisor for your topic. The more convincing your thesis concept, the better the chances of quickly finding a suitable supervisor. Alternatively, you can apply for an advertised thesis topic: Advertised diploma theses(https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/thesis/theses.xhtml?dswid=7517&dsrid=384) > advanced search > Faculty of Architecture and Planning

Yes, both the original and the new supervisor must give their consent. An email request for a change of supervisor is sent to the Vice Dean of Studies, who makes the necessary changes in TISS.

No, you are free to choose a design topic or a theoretical topic. It is important that you clearly define with your supervisor at the beginning whether the thesis is a draft or a theoretical thesis.

It is possible to write two (or possibly more) independent Master's theses on a common topic and requires an email application to the Vice Dean of Studies. An explanatory statement must explain why it makes sense to write two or more theses on one topic and what the thematic division will look like.

  • Each Master's thesis must be an individual thesis with its own title and content (a common ‘umbrella title’ can be chosen)
  • Minor parts of the content may overlap, but there must be clear mutual referencing
  • It is not permitted for two or more students to work on one design. Each draft must be assignable to one person
  • Diploma thesis and diploma examination are assessed individually

Study regulations § 22 (1): Several students are permitted to work on a topic together if the performance of the individual students can be assessed separately.

Once you have found a supervisor for your thesis, they will create the thesis in TISS and send it to the Vice Dean of Studies for approval. As soon as approval has been granted, you are officially registered.

All diploma theses are available as ebooks in the TU Library's reposiTUm. You can also take the opportunity to visit the respective diploma exhibitions, which take place 6 times a year during the diploma examination weeks in the Prechtlsaal: see diploma examination dates. Furthermore, the Archdiploma exhibition takes place every two years, where the best diploma theses are exhibited.

There are no fixed specifications for the scope of a diploma thesis at our faculty, as the content of the work (theory or design) varies greatly.

  • Format: A5 to A3 (A3 only horizontally), or anything in between, the work must be bound
  • Layout: No fixed specifications
  • Cover: The cover can be in one colour or printed
  • Binding: The work must be bound (no open binding)
  • Name: The name must be stated on the spine
  • 1st page = predefined form (according to the application folder on the faculty homepage)
  • Predefined form as first page
  • Abstract in English and German
  • Table of contents
  • Bibliography
  • List of figures
  • References! For theoretical AND draft papers, all text passages must be cited correctly.
  • Gender-neutral spelling

Yes, in exceptional cases it is possible to have the thesis blocked for a maximum of 2 years by sending an email request to the Vice Dean of Studies.

Scholarship and funding programmes (not exhaustive):

The diploma thesis can be considered completed when the supervisor considers the thesis to be complete and confirms to the diploma student by means of an ‘admission form’ that the diploma thesis has been positively assessed and that he/she is admitted to the diploma examination.

One thesis must be printed: This thesis is handed in to the Dean's Office at the time of submission and forwarded to the library. The diploma supervisors and examiners will receive the diploma thesis in digital form from the Dean's Office at least one week before the examination (i.e. no copy needs to be printed for the examiners). The printed copy from the Dean's Office is available for inspection by all examiners during the diploma examination.

If you take part in the diploma exhibition, a second separate thesis must be printed for the exhibition.

Yes, the thesis will be subjected to a plagiarism check after submission. You will be contacted by your thesis supervisor if there are any anomalies.
Please note! Depending on the severity of the plagiarism, this may lead to the thesis being rejected and, in serious cases, to legal consequences.


There is a submission period for registration for the diploma examination during which the registration folder must be submitted in person.

Dates and registration folder: https://ar.tuwien.ac.at/Studium/Masterstudium-Architektur/abschluss-masterstudium-architektur-diplom-ingenieur

A fully bound diploma thesis (information in the registration folder) must be submitted to the Dean's Office.

The thesis must be submitted in PDF format (max. 70 MB) via TU Wien's ownCloud platform. You will receive an e-mail after the submission deadline with a link to upload your thesis.

Please note: The thesis title entered in TISS must match the title of the bound thesis.

For changes, please contact your supervisor.

When submitting your thesis, you must already indicate the examiners, a confirmation on the form ‘Confirmation of admission to the examination board (registration folder) is mandatory, a confirmation by e-mail is also possible (a printout of the confirmation must be submitted).

Diploma examinations take place 6 times a year at the end of the months of January, March, April, June, October and November. Special dates outside the defined periods are not possible.

Dates at: https://ar.tuwien.ac.at/Studium/Masterstudium-Architektur/abschluss-masterstudium-architektur-diplom-ingenieur

Diploma examinations are open to the public and anyone can listen in.

When your supervisor has approved your thesis and signed the confirmation of admission

The examination committee consists of 3 examiners. The first examiner is the supervisor, the second and third examiners must be requested by the diploma student. The third examiner chairs the examination committee and moderates the examination. All three examiners must be from different research areas, have different examination subjects and should be chosen from the list of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning.

In exceptional cases, it is possible to choose a maximum of one examiner who is not on the list: this can be an examiner from the Faculty of Architecture and Planning (e.g. assistant with a doctorate) or an external examiner. In both cases, you require special authorisation from the Vice Dean of Studies (email application with details of the first, second and third examiner and a justification).

Contact the desired second and third examiner in good time (at least 2 months before the diploma examination). Send the status of your thesis and explain why you would like the person in question to be your examiner.

Only choose examiners who can be present in person at the time of the examination.

No. Examinations are only possible during the scheduled examination periods.

The diploma examination lasts a total of 60 minutes. The third examiner chairs the examination committee and moderates. You have 20 minutes to present your topic (please adhere exactly to this time frame!). The three examiners have a total of 30 minutes to ask questions relating to their respective subject area. This is followed by a brief consultation with the examination committee before the results are announced.

Yes, each examination room has a projector to which you can connect your own laptop. Please ensure that you have the necessary adapters with you and also save your presentation on a USB stick. 

The thesis is graded by the supervisor, who consults with the other examiners. Furthermore, each examiner awards a diploma examination grade based on the answers to the questions posed in the respective subject area.

You and your supervisor confirm your participation in the exhibition by completing the admission form. Subsequently, you will receive an email from the Vice Dean of Studies containing all further information.

The exhibition setup always takes place on the Monday of the exam week. Students are required to prepare an additional copy of their thesis and a presentation poster specifically for the exhibition.

The processing of the documents takes approximately two weeks. You will receive a degree certificate (in German), two official statements for the title "Dipl.-Ing." (in German and English), and two Diploma Supplements (in German and English).

The documents are legally valid and will be handed over to the graduates by the Dean's Office. You will be notified separately via email regarding the collection of the documents.

The dates are announced with the examination dates in the Overview (pdf) and published on the homepage under Dates. After the examinations, graduates will be contacted by e-mail regarding registration for graduation.