Digital Architecture and Planning
The Department of Digital Architecture and Spatial Planning links up architecture and information technology in two ways. Research and studies concentrate on digital media both as technology in the context of design and planning as well as being constituent component of a planned society. Seen technically, the focus is on design-computing, computer-aided and algorithmic support in creative problem-solving, and the dynamic simulation of spatial processes. On the societal side, the key focus is on the research of the influence of digital media on architectural form and urban development.
The study course places standards of construction and graphic rendering, modelling and visualisation to the fore already in the Bachelor degree course, and these are augmented in further teaching classes with key focuses related to CAAD (computer-aided architectural design) and geometry, also to an understanding of algorithmic and programming.
Dominating the modules of the Master’s course are processes supporting creative design, handling the time dimension and processual thinking, dynamic simulation, creation of information spaces, investigation of new geometries, also work division on virtual platforms.
These methods are given in-depth treatment and implemented in changing design programmes by means of concrete task-setting. Cooperation with other institutes of education or partners from industry and public administration are mostly pre-eminent in implementing this.
Great emphasis is given here on joining forces with the other departments of the institute to impart knowledge about the architect’s praxis-relevant and multi-disciplinary planning process, with all responsible authorities and also their requirements.
The focus in the field of spatial planning lies on the innovative extension of the existing computer options. Besides the basic course Methods of 4D Simulation, this investigates issues of spatial planning, also different digital planning methods are utilised for the task of producing a concrete, on-site development plan. Playing a central role – besides questions concerning the practical usage of digital tools – is a fundamental reflection on what spatial planning means in the information society.
Focuses of research in the Department lie inter alia in the spheres of the simulation of complex processes, information architecture, fractal architecture, also the analysis and generation of self-similar structures in architecture and urban development, virtual archaeology, also building information modelling and the associated development and adaptation of software tools
Results of research activities are continually published, are also presented at scientific conferences, and find application in the Department’s research-oriented study courses.
Research Unit Head & Professorship

E259-01 Digital Architecture and Planning