Towards the design of supportive neighbourhoods. Using integral (action-) research methods for urban development

Dienstag, 01/28/2025 - Dienstag, 01/28/2025
Landscape Seminarraum AF03-1
Institut für Städtebau, Landschaftsarchitektur und Entwerfen
  • englischsprachig

Towards the design of supportive neighbourhoods.
Using integral (action-) research methods for urban development

Guest lecture by Veldacademie Rotterdam
Otto Trienekens and Andrea Fitskie

With concepts such as the ’10-minute city’ (city of proximity) and ‘Assisted Living Area’s’, cities as Amsterdam and Brussels are committed to organizing local nodes, where facilities for daily life are within reach for all residents. This focus on local and everyday city life connects to several societal urgencies, for example concerning sustainability, local economy, loneliness, inclusivity and equity. Through the concept of ‘Resilient Neighbourhoods’ the city of Rotterdam aims to improve the resiliency of vulnerable areas by investing in the social capital of residents and communities. The well-functioning of local ecosystems is an important asset for all city residents, but especially for those who are bound to their place of residence and the surrounding area due to age or disability.

Rotterdam based social-spatial research lab Veldacademie (Field Academy) has developed various methods to understand the socio-spatial relationships of urban ecosystems. By using profound GIS tools and instruments for Social Network Analysis , behaviour and urban design are being analysed.

In this guest lecture the methods and insights of projects in Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Brussels will be shared and reflected on. How can the scale of the city (and its urban strategy) be associated with the daily life in neighbourhoods? What are the spatial conditions for community building? And what is the role of the (urban) designer in developing better cities?

Otto Trienekens (MSc) and Andrea Fitskie (MSc) are both trained as architects at Technical University Delft. Otto founded research-lab Veldacademie in 2008 as a collaboration between his office Vertex Architecture & Urbanism, TU Delft and the municipality of Rotterdam. Veldacademie focuses on socio-spatial themes, often related to health and well-being. Andrea graduated at Veldacademie and has been part of the team for almost 10 years. Their mutual interest and ambition is to create healthy living environments, concerning cities, neighborhoods and buildings. Besides working on social-spatial research and design projects, they lecture design studio’s at TU Delft and participate in international summer schools and research collectives.

drawing: Studio Nadia Neda commissioned by Veldacademie