Housing Talks/Wohngespräche: Richard Sennett

Dienstag, 03/25/2025
Hörsaal 7 - Schütte-Lihotzky
TU Wien
Main Building, Court 2, Staircase 7, ground floor
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Vienna
Forschungsbereich Wohnbau und Entwerfen
  • englischsprachig

Michael Obrist [feld72] in conversation with Richard Sennett about "The Open City"

Since ancient times, there has been a tension between how cities are built and how people inhabit them. Today, the majority of the world’s population lives in cities. How can residents with different cultural and religious backgrounds achieve peaceful coexistence?

World famous sociologist Richard Sennett in "The Open City“ advocates for urban planning that fosters collaboration between planners and residents and views contradictions as enriching. He criticizes the spread of the “closed city” – segregated and controlled – and calls for the “open city,” where citizens negotiate differences and planners experiment to enable better coexistence.

Richard Sennett currently serves as Senior Advisor to the United Nations on its Program on Climate Change and Cities. He is Senior Fellow at the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University and Visiting Professor of Urban Studies at MIT.

Previously, he founded the New York Institute for the Humanities, taught at New York University and at the London School of Economics, and served as President of the American Council on Work.

Over the course of the last five decades, he has written about social life in cities, changes in labour, and social theory. His books include The Hidden Injuries of Class, The Fall of Public Man, The Corrosion of Character, The Culture of the New Capitalism, The Craftsman, and Building and Dwelling. His newest book The Performer explores relations between performing in art, politics and everyday life.

Among other awards, he has received the Hegel Prize, the Spinoza Prize, an honorary doctorate from Cambridge University, and the Centennial Medal from Harvard University. Richard Sennett grew up in the Cabrini Green housing project in Chicago. He attended the Julliard School in New York, where he worked with Claus Adam, cellist of the Julliard Quartet. He then studied social relations at Harvard, working with David Riesman, and independently with Hannah Arendt.
