AI: Artificial Intelligence and Architecture Innovation

Freitag, 11/24/2023 - Freitag, 11/24/2023
Hörsaal 17 - Friedrich Hartmann
Technische Universität Wien
Hauptgebäude, Stiege 7, 3. Stock
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien
Institut für immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung (IPRE) | Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Österreich | Forschungsbereich Projektentwicklung und -management Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien)
  • englischsprachig

The main focus of the symposium are presentations and panel discussions on where and how AI can enhance our life and be used for the benefit of architecture and real estate innovation. Presentations from the specialists and best research works of architecture students aim to ignite discussions. The keynote will be held by Patrik Schumacher, principal of Zaha Hadid Architects.


15:00 - 15:05: Welcome
Jenni Wenkel (RICS), Dietmar Wiegand (IPRE/TU Wien)

15:05 - 15:15 Introduction to AI and the seminar at TU Wien
Mariya Korolova (TU Wien), Manuel Mofidian, (TU Wien)

15:15 - 15:55 Student Work Presentations
Three student presenters showcase their research projects followed by a 10-minute discussion round afterwards

Short coffee break

16:15 - 16:40 Online Keynote Presentation by Patrik Schumacher followed by a 10-minute discussion round afterwards

16:50 - 17:50 Specialist Presentations highlighting different facets of AI:
– Matias del Campo (SPAN architecture, prof. at Michigan University),
– Manuel Mofidian (Law, ethics and biases),
– Fabian Pitscheider (OptiMuse - AI real estate development),
– Dr. Ayse Glass (Researcher in Digital City Science at HafenCity University)

17:50 - 18:25 Panel Discussion, moderated by Mariya Korolova and Manuel Mofidian

18:25 - 18:30 Closing Remarks by Mariya Korolova and Manuel Mofidian


Speakers (in alphabetical order):

Matias del Campo
Registered architect, designer, educator, and director of the AR2IL Laboratory - the Laboratory for Architecture and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Michigan. Founded together with Sandra Manninger in Vienna in 2003, SPAN is a globally acting practice best known for their application of contemporary technologies in architectural production. Their award-winning architectural designs are informed by advanced geometry, computational methodologies, and philosophical inquiry. This frame of considerations is described by SPAN as a design ecology. Most recently Matias del Campo was awarded the Accelerate@CERN fellowship, the AIA Studio Prize, and was elected to the boards of directors of ACADIA. SPAN’s work is in the permanent collection of the FRAC, the MAK in Vienna, the Benetton Collection, and the Albertina. He is an Associate Professor at Taubman College for Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan.

Dr. Ayse Glass
Researcher in Digital City Science at HafenCity University - about Smart Cities and Data Generation - Artificial Intelligence Researcher in Digital City Science at HafenCity University about Smart Cities and Data Generation - Artificial Intelligence | Architect - Acoustic specialist at
Glass & Sabah | Musician at Thalia Theater Hamburg.

M.Arch Mariya Korolova
University Assistant at the Institute of Real Estate Development and Project Management, Technical University of Vienna (TU Vienna), Senior Researcher at IPRE (Institute of Property research), Co-Founder of Shion – innovative active acoustic solution with AI.
Mariya Korolova is an architect and educator with a diverse background in the fields of innovation, engineering, architecture, and digital design. With over a decade of experience working in various international teams and settings and a founder of two companies, was invited to give talks at conferences and to be a guest lecturer at several institutions.

Manuel Mofidian
AI Attorney, CEO of Mofidian Anwaltkanzlei
Specialist for IT Law | Trademark Law | Commercial Law | Civil Procedure Law | Civil Law, AI-Law and Ethics educator

Fabian Pitscheider
Co-Founder OPTIMUSE, AI Real Estate property analysis tool for Decarbonization.
He is an architect with a passion for Data Driven Design and Optimization in the construction industry. At OPTIMUSE he is responsible for the product development.

Dipl.-Ing. Jenni Wenkel MRCIS
Member of the Management Board / CIO, Union Investment
Jenni Wenkel has been a member of the Management Board of Union Investment Real Estate Austria AG (formerly Immo Kapitalanlage AG) since 1 September 2021 and is responsible for the Investment Management division as CIO. Prior to her move, she worked for the Erste Bank Group for 13 years, most recently in the CREAM division and as a project manager in hotel development. Ms Wenkel is a Certified Real Estate Investment Analyst (CREA®), a qualified architect and property economist. She is also Chairman of the Board of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in Austria.

Univ. Prof. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Dietmar Wiegand
Head of research department, including advisory board member of the Energy and Environment Research Centre at TU Wien | Managing Director of the Institute for Property Research (IPRE) | Managing Director of Movatoo GmbH | Managing Director of lease2learn - Lernumgebungen GmbH | Chairman of the Board of the association Kultur und Arbeit (Bad Mergentheim) | Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Real Estate Economics (ZIÖ).