Wohngespräche/ housing talks: David Madden [LSE]
Hauptgebäude, Hof 2, Stiege 7, EG
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien
Wohngespräche / housing talks: David Madden [LSE]
Michael Obrist [feld72] in conversation with David Madden about "Residential Frontiers"
24 January 2023
6pm live in HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky
David Madden is Associate Professor in Sociology and Co-Director of the Cities Programme. He works on urban studies, political sociology, and social theory. His research interests include housing, public space, urban restructuring, and critical urban theory. He has conducted qualitative, ethnographic and archival research in New York City and London. He is co-author, with Peter Marcuse, of In Defense of Housing: The politics of crisis (Verso, 2016). His writing has appeared in leading urban sociology journals as well as The Guardian, the Washington Post, and Jacobin.