Maria Shéhérazade Giudici: A Natural Woman

Dienstag, 21.11.2023
18:30 Uhr
Hörsaal 13 - Ernst Melan
Technische Universität Wien
Hauptgebäude, Stiege 7, 2. Stock
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien
FOB Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen

Natural Woman – A lecture by Maria Shéhérazade Giudici

The modern apartment is the index of a process that constructed the nuclear family as the ‘natural’ unit of Western society. This talk traces the genealogy through which the dwelling was scripted into a diagram of asymmetric relationships, separating production from reproduction and crystallising power hierarchies. Intimacy and love have been forced into a rigid heteronormative pattern, but is ultimately architecture the real villain of this ongoing story?

Maria Shéhérazade Giudici is the founder of research platform Black Square; she leads the History and Theory course at the School of Architecture of the Royal College of art, and is the Head of the PhD Programme at the Architectural Association.