Productive City Lecture by Nina Rappaport

Mittwoch, 24.04.2024
HS 13, Stiege 7/3.Stock
oder online via Zoom
Hörsaal 13 - Ernst Melan
Technische Universität Wien
Hauptgebäude, Stiege 7, 2. Stock
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien
FoB Städtebau, FoB Lanschaftsarchitektur

Nina Rappaport is an urbanist, architectural historian, and educator based in New York City. As director of Vertical Urban Factory, a think tank and consultancy, she focuses on the intersection of production spaces, architecture, and the role of the factory worker.

The lecture will be held as part of the courses GdE Städtebau, GdE Landschaftsarchitektur.